Sunday, March 20, 2005

San Diego Mounted Police

San Diego Mounted Police
San Diego Mounted Police,
originally uploaded by brikmaster.
My Wife and I took the triplets to the San Diego Model Train Museum because Tate loves trains, as many 2 year olds do. On the way out we saw this scary collection of Mounted Police Officers. I didn't take enough pictures to give you a real sense of their appearance, but suffice it to say, they were way scary. A couple of people asked them why they were there with their armored steeds. They responded that there was a protest coming there. We decided that this was no place for the triplets and Tate and split quickly. As we drove past the multiple checkpoints of riot style police, we finally encountered a rag tag group of 30 or so hispanic protestors with signs against the war in Iraq that were mostly written in Spanish. The Governator should have required that the excessive amount of officers be redployed to something more useful because clearly, these five could have wiped out the entire lot of them if they decided to get crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's great to see that the police were prepared for rioters.
I don't see any heavy armor on those steeds?? Five horses for 30 plus protestors, seems appropriate to me. The lady that made this comment must not be from any kind of large city. I would have been happy to see them. That is why our crime rate per capita is one of the lowest in the country.
GO BACK TO CONNECTICUT you anti-war, tree hugging loon!