Thursday, May 23, 2019

Sonos - Google Assistant

I have been a huge Sonos fan forever. I had four devices in my home although recently one of them became damaged and I am now down to three. About a year ago I purchased a Sonos One and it has been the best individual Sonos device I have owned. I was very excited about the potential integration with Alexa and Google Assistant when I bought it.

The Alexa support came quickly and it worked pretty well although I have to admit that I tend to favor the Google Assistant devices since I am a die hard Android user. What I had hoped for in terms of Google Assistant support was a long time in coming! Fortunately over the last several weeks, that support has finally arrived!

Last week I did the software update on my Sonos and then added the device to my Google Home set up. All in all it was pretty simple and I felt like it is something most people could easily handle. Once I had everything configured it became very easy to control all my speakers by using the Sonos One device or using my Google Home devices to stop or start play n the various rooms in the house.

In general it has been my experience that Google Assistant voice support is slightly better than Alexa although in my case that could be because I use Assistant on my phone as well as a number of devices in my house.

The only thing that I would say has been a negative is that sometimes it seems like the Sonos device is a tad bit slower than my native Google Home devices. Not sure if that is an underlying hardware issue but my guess is that it is just that it is the first production build of the Google Assistant. I would suspect that it will get fast over time. I never really noticed any latency difference between the Sonos One and my native Alexa devices.

If you are a Google Home/Assistant user and a Sonos owner I am pretty sure you will be as delighted as I have been.

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