Friday, March 03, 2006

Pandora &

I have had several people ping me about Pandora and . CNN just did a feature on the Next Net 25 or something like that. In there they included and I just don't get it. Pandora is pretty damn cool. I have been using it on and off for the last month and have to say that I have been impressed. I have been creating channels based on some obscure bands, hardcore bands, and bands I am into right now while I am trying to find similar ones. Examples would include Swans, Let's Active, Guadacanal Diary, Wall of Voodoo, Circle Jerks and The Mars Volta. I have heard some complaints that the sample size is fairly small so some more mainstream requests have been a mixed bag for some friends. On some of this more obscure stuff I have to say I have been really pleased.

So far they don't have a bunch of that ".0" stuff but I am sure they will do some cool things with it later. It will be interesting to see where they go with this when they try to make money. is going to require some more time for me because it isn't as easy as Pandora and I am still not sure what I am supposed to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am on